• Beams

  • Easy installation by anyone

  • Universal compatibility

  • Easy installation by anyone

  • Beams

  • Universal compatibility

Just One Beam?

That's Not Enough to Shield Your Family and Car

Chances are, your garage is equipped with a standard single-beam sensor, a technology that falls short of providing comprehensive protection.

The most advanced garage safety sensor

It is an engineering marvel—designed and built to prevent accidents, protect your vehicles from damage, and guide parking into tight garage spaces. No special tools are required to install Infinity Shield and it is compatible with all major garage-door openers.

Single-Beam Sensor

a Coverage 6 inches above floor
b Cannot detect open trunks & protruding bumpers
c No additional features

Infinity Shield

a Full-door coverage
b Detects open trunks & protruding bumpers
c Parking-assist feature

Perfect parking every time

Infinity Shield has a beeper function that helps you park your car in a tight garage. The beeper is active while the car pulls into the garage and blocks the path of the garage door.
The beeping stops immediately once the car is clear of the garage-door path. This feature can be switched on and off.

Parking Assistance

Infinity Shield has a beep function that helps you park your car in a tight garage.

The beeper is active while the car pulls into the garage and blocks the path of the garage door.

The beeping stops immediately once the car is clear of the garage-door path.

Parking Assistance

Infinity Shield has a beep function that helps you park your car in a tight garage.

The beeper is active while the car pulls into the garage and blocks the path of the garage door.

The beeping stops immediately once the car is clear of the garage-door path.

Easy installation for anyone

The existing sensor is the only component that needs to be replaced to upgrade to Infinity Shield. The snap-in brackets make installation of Infinity Shield very easy. Attach the brackets to the garage-door rails, connect in the existing wires, and the sensor is up and running. It is compatible with all major garage door openers.

Supported Brands

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The Smartest Safety Upgrade for Your Home

Infinity Shield is the only full-coverage garage-door sensor and is protected by patents and trademarks.

US utility patents: 10,997,833, 11,830,334
US design patents: 98858S1
Canadian patents: 3,190,700
US trademark for Infinity Shield®: 7,116,230